|| What Is Siddhi? What Siddhi We Can Get Through Yoga? How To Walk On The Path To Attain Siddhis? || What is a siddhi?

|| What Is Siddhi? What Siddhi We Can Get Through Yoga? How To Walk On The Path To Attain Siddhis? || What is a siddhi? Siddhi are the mystic powers that one can achieve while walking on the path of yoga. According to Srimad Bhagavattam, book 11, chapter 15: One who meditates upon shri vishnu by attaining control on all his indriyan (senses), pran (breath), and Man (heart), becomes eligible for having siddhis. || Types Of Siddhis || Different scriptures mention different kinds of Siddhis. According to Shiva Samhita Chapter 3- The Yogi gains the following abilities: Vakya siddhi - The ability to foretell the future. Kamachari- moving effortlessly to any location at will Duradristhi- perceiving events from a distance Durashruti- hearing sounds beyond the normal range Shukshma-drishti- having a refined vision Parakaypravesana -entering another person's body. (Name of siddhi not mentioned) -transforming base metals into gold Adrishyasthi- the power of invisibility, Uttolitsthi- the capability to traverse through the air. Following are the 8 siddhis that Bhagawan Hanuman have attained which are mentioned in Patanjali's Yoga Sutras 4: 1- 1. Anima(अणिमा) : The power to assimilate oneself with an atom. 2. Mahima (महिमा) : the power to expand oneself into space. 3. Garima (गरिमा) :the power to be as heavy as anything. 4. Laghima(लघिमा) : the power to be as light as cotton. 5. Prapti (प्र्राप्ति) : the power of reaching anywhere. 6. Prakamya (प्राकाम्या) : the power of having all wishes. ​ 7. Istva (ईशत्व): The power to create. 8. Vastva(वस्तव) : the power to subjugate all. But Ling Puran gives much more on siddhi, According to the e of linga puran- A successful Yoga Practitioner is endowed with ‘Dasha Siddhis- Pratibha - Siddhi of knowing about a Vastu or Vyavahar or of a thing of past, present or of future; Shravana - This Siddhi enables a Yogi to hear or understand any kind of sound or conversation or a happening irrespective of distance or time. Vaarta- It facilitates the experience of Pancha Tanmatraas of sabda-sparsha-rupa-rasa and gandhas. Darshana - Darshana Siddhi is the ability to perceive or vision of any thing irrespective of time and distance limitations. Aaswaada - enables tasting any substance Vedana- power of sparsha to experience the shape, form or a feature of a person or thing. It further says that: In fact a Maha Yogi is stated to possess sixty four kinds of Paisachika, Parthiva, Raakshasa, Yaaksha, Gaandharva, Aindra, Vyomatmika, Praajaapatya, Brahmaadi Siddhis but he/she should discard all such powers in the quest of Shivatwa. Such Siddhis range from assuming any type of Swarupa of fatness, slimness, childhood, youth, old age, man, woman, any specie of a bird-animal-reptile, mountain, water body and so on; ability to lift mountains, drink up an ocean, flying on sky, passing through a needle’s eye and endless such miracles. ‘Devaanaam Saha kreedanam’ or playing with Devas, Yatha Sankalpa Samsiddhi or instant fulfillment of desires,Triloka Jnaana or knowledge of the happenings of Three Lokas;  Control of heat and cold, Paraajaya or invincibility and so on. Depending on the intensity of the success of the Yoga practice and  the powers attained by way of controlling the Jnanendriyas and Tatwas, a Yogi could perform impossibilities but frittering the  Siddhis so gained would negate the capacity to accomplish Shivatwa. || How One Can Achieve Siddhi? || Patanjali Yoga Sutra gives methods of achieving Siddhi in 4:1 जन्मौषधिमन्त्रतप: समाधिजा: सिद्धय:॥ "The Siddhis are attained by birth, chemical means, power of words, mortification or concentration." But, Practicing Yoga alone can't make you attain Siddhis. According to Yoga sutra chapter, shloka 20- श्रद्धा-वीर्य-स्मृति-समाधि-प्रज्ञा-पूर्वक इतरेषाम् ॥ To others (this Siddhi) comes through faith, energy, memory, concentration, and discrimination of the real.


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