The Lonely Way is the Lighted Way ..

The Lonely Way is the Lighted Way ..
There comes always to the striver after the Mysteries and the manipulator of the law, a period of aloneness .. and of sorrow when no man stands by .. and isolation is his lot .. But this is only temporary ..

The lonely way is also the lighted way.  Loneliness is an illusion which seeks to thwart the efforts of the server; it is glamour which can seriously impair true vision .. 

Loneliness grows as the aspirant detaches himself from the world of souls.  There comes ever an interlude wherein the disciple senses an intense seeming isolation, but it is only an illusion ..

You know that you are not alone .. 

Ponder on This
Djwahl Khul

Painting by John William Waterhouse
Arabian Woman


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