
Showing posts from January, 2024

It is by Serving Diligently Each Day That Enables a Man to Become a Perfected Server ..

It is by Serving Diligently Each Day That Enables a Man to Become a Perfected Server ..  It is only as the disciple is willing to relinquish all in the service of the Great One, and to hold naught back, that liberation is achieved, and the body of desire become transmuted into the body of the higher intuition .. The goal is reached by the path of renunciation.  Perhaps it may mean the renunciation of joy, or the renunciation of good reputation, or the renunciation of friends, and the renunciation of all that the heart clings to ..  I seek to point out to you that if that is the way you are to reach your goal, then for you it is the perfect way.  Aught that  brings you rapidly to Their Presence and to Their Lotus Feet, is by you to be desired and eagerly welcomed ..  Ponder on This Disciples Djwahl Kuhl Painting by Hari Om Singh    The Lotus Feet of Krishna

The Upward Spiral of Light .. Towards an Enlightened Civilisation ..

The Upward Spiral of Light .. Towards an Enlightened Civilisation ..  Every soul drawn into the upward spiral of light will be nourished by soul groups of the same vibration. Those who hear the voice of conscience and are sensitive to the inner light are the trailblazers of the new civilization .. Those who experience the new Reality in the depths of their beings are leading humanity upward on the ladder of evolution to the rung where the collective potential of the human Soul will blaze forth. The advantage of elevating the consciousness of all lives will be evident on the etheric plane, where the singularity of Earth will be observed. The greater the light, the more enlightened the civilisation ..  Ageless Wisdom for a New Era  When the Soul Awakens Nancy Seifer & Martin Vieweg Painting by Evelyn De Morgan (1855 - 1919) Lux in Tenebris

The Etheric Body .. Evolution of Awareness ..

The Etheric Body .. Evolution of Awareness ..  The fact that the human energy body is now becoming a topic of widespread interest mirrors the growing influence of evolutionary forces on human awareness. Few comprehend that this subtle body is the instrument of the soul while in incarnation, yet its recognition serves to widen the portal to the new age .. Acknowledging the reality of the etheric body and its purpose brings humanity a step closer to the Age of Light. By focusing awareness on the life of the soul, one projects an added ray of light into the expanding stream of evolution ..  Ageless Wisdom for a New Era When the Soul Awakens Nancy Seifer & Martin Vieweg  Pre Raphaelite Art   Lady of the Woods

The Awakening of the Age of the Soul .. The Age of Light ..

The Awakening of the Age of the Soul .. The Age of Light ..  The coming Age of Light is the age of the Soul. It is the age of consciousness that derives from the human soul awakening to its spiritual origins. It will unfold at a higher bandwidth of earth’s frequencies where you will see that all is energy .. In place of lines of separation that have blinded humans to the essential oneness of all lives, points of light will be interconnected within a boundless sea of etheric energies. The light of God will reenter the world like a tidal wave arriving on the shores of human awareness .. Ageless Wisdom for a New Era When the Soul Awakens Nancy Seifer & Martin Vieweg Painting by James Sant    The Soul's Awakening

The Light of Truth .. The Higher Realms of Spirit ..

The Light of Truth .. The Higher Realms of Spirit .. The light of truth is to the awakening soul what the light of the sun is to a budding rose ..  Those who speak of ‘the shift’ in popular terms are generally pointing to a transition to another vibratory field. It is expected that life will continue as usual, with the same human drives, passions, ambitions and concerns ..  The evolutionary goal is quite different. It involves the withdrawal of human consciousness from the plane of dense matter and the redirection of soul awareness toward the higher realms of spirit .. Ageless Wisdom for a New Era When the Soul Awakens Nancy Seifer & Martin Vieweg  Painting by Etienne Adolphe Piot White Roses

The Lonely Way is the Lighted Way ..

The Lonely Way is the Lighted Way .. There comes always to the striver after the Mysteries and the manipulator of the law, a period of aloneness .. and of sorrow when no man stands by .. and isolation is his lot .. But this is only temporary .. The lonely way is also the lighted way.  Loneliness is an illusion which seeks to thwart the efforts of the server; it is glamour which can seriously impair true vision ..  Loneliness grows as the aspirant detaches himself from the world of souls.  There comes ever an interlude wherein the disciple senses an intense seeming isolation, but it is only an illusion .. You know that you are not alone ..  Ponder on This Solitude Djwahl Khul Painting by John William Waterhouse Arabian Woman

इस जीवन के सपने के समान गुणों को हमेशा अपने ध्यान में रखें। तब आपके मन से राग (attachment) - द्वेष (hatred) का भाव कम होने लगेग।

इस जीवन के सपने के समान गुणों को हमेशा अपने ध्यान में रखें। तब आपके मन से राग (attachment) - द्वेष (hatred) का भाव कम होने लगेग। इसके बाद, सभी के लिए सच्चे मन से सद्भावना को बढ़ाने का लगातार अभ्यास करते रहें तब आपका मन (चित्त) सभी के प्रति प्रेम और दयालुता से भर जाएँगा, चाहे वे सभी आपके साथ कैसा भी बर्ताव करते  रहे हों अथवा आगे करें। जब आप सभी के (अच्छे-बुरे) बर्ताव को एक सपने के समान देखने लगते हैं तो वे सब क्या करते हैं, उससे आपको कोई फर्क नहीं पड़ेगा, बस यही तरकीब है कि सपने जैसे जीवन के दौरान, अपने मन में सभी के प्रति सकारात्मक दया और सद्भावना का विचार बनाये रखें। यह एक बहुत आवश्यक ही बिंदु ही नहीं बल्कि सच्चा अध्यात्म भी है - तिब्बती योगी मिलारेपा (Born: 1052 CE, Tibet - Died: 1135 CE)

|| 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙖𝙣𝙨𝙬𝙚𝙧𝙨 𝙩𝙤 𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙩𝙧𝙤𝙪𝙗𝙡𝙚𝙨 𝙡𝙞𝙚 𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙘𝙚𝙖𝙡𝙚𝙙 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙥𝙖𝙜𝙚𝙨 𝙤𝙛 𝙍𝙖𝙢 𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙞𝙩 𝙈𝙖𝙣𝙖𝙨. 𝙡𝙡

|| 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙖𝙣𝙨𝙬𝙚𝙧𝙨 𝙩𝙤 𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙩𝙧𝙤𝙪𝙗𝙡𝙚𝙨 𝙡𝙞𝙚 𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙘𝙚𝙖𝙡𝙚𝙙 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙥𝙖𝙜𝙚𝙨 𝙤𝙛 𝙍𝙖𝙢 𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙞𝙩 𝙈𝙖𝙣𝙖𝙨. 𝙡𝙡 Ram Charit Manas is more than a sacred text. In the midst of life's challenges, there are often moments when we find ourselves uncertain about the path to navigate through the chaos. Our esteemed sages have bequeathed us with a precious gift in the form of Shri Ram Shalaka Prashnavali, also known as Ramayana Prashnavali. Regardless of the nature of one's challenge, one can find answers within the Ramayana Prashnavali. Goswami Tulsi Ji crafted this questionnaire using nine chaupai, each representing a distinct celestial body. In accordance with numerology, these chaupai are linked to the nine Navagrahas, corresponding to numbers one through nine. Within the Shri Ramayana Prashnavali, every question's solution is exclusively provided through these nine chaupai. Among these nine chaupai, three of them depict unce

|| Three Daily-Use Products That Are Considered Sacred In Sanatan Dharma And Are Also Scientifically Acclaimed By Experts ||

|| Three Daily-Use Products That Are Considered Sacred In Sanatan Dharma And Are Also Scientifically Acclaimed By Experts || 1. Peepal Tree: The Skanda Purana regards the peepal tree as a representation of Bhagawan Vishnu, as it is believed that Bhagawan Vishnu was born under such a tree. Some even believe that the peepal tree symbolizes the Trimurti - with its roots representing Bhagawan Brahma , its trunk symbolizing Bhagawan Vishnu , and its leaves embodying Bhagawan Shiva . The peepal tree holds a significant connection with Shree Krishna as well. In the Bhagavad Gita , Bhagawan Krishna declares, "Among trees, I am the ashvattha ," referring to the peepal tree. It is believed that Bhagawan Krishna passed away under this tree, marking the beginning of the current Kali Yuga. After Pralayam (cosmic dissolution), it is said that Bhagawan Krishna will reside on a peepal leaf until the next world is created. According to the Skanda Purana, if someone lacks a c

|| Connection between God Particle, Shiv Puran & Yoga || What is a god particle?

|| Connection between God Particle, Shiv Puran & Yoga || What is a god particle? In school, We have learned that an atom (electron, proton, neutron) is the smallest particle but, in the university, you will get to know that not an atom but a quark is the smallest particle & there's also a fundamental particle in every atom named as Higgs boson and it is actually responsible for providing mass to any substance. This Higgs boson is also known as the God Particle. Now, the interesting thing is that the very first shloka of vidyesvara samhita of the Shiv Mahapuran states the same thing , which is- I meditate on shiva, the one which at the beginning and at the end [and also in the middle], whose similarities or comparisons are not present anywhere, the one who illuminates the nature of the atman (energy), there is the deity (Parmatma), who has five faces and who is responsible for Creation, preservation, destruction, illusion, and, grace-release. Interestingly

|| Mysterious Facts About Prabhu Shree Ram And Ramayana ||

|| Mysterious Facts About Prabhu Shree Ram And Ramayana || 1. Shree Ram Was Also Involved In Tantra And Developed A Yantra Too-  We all know that Shree Ram was born as a normal man but, he achieved a supreme level due to his Purusharth. But, was it Purusarth alone which helped him to reach to the supreme level? Well, according to the Rama Rahasya Upanishad, Shri Rama also practiced Tantra. Rama Rahasya is one of the 31 Upanishads attached to the Atharvaveda.  This Upanishad is believed to be written by Bhagawan Hanuman himself in which he also mentioned a pooja yantra developed by Prabhu Rama, which is like a Talisman, and is used for invoking divine intercession to help the worshipper to accomplish astounding feats & acquire supernatural powers which would have been impossible otherwise. Quoting about the Rama Rahasya in the book '21 Upanishads dedicated to Prabhu Ram', it has been mentioned that,  2. Mysterious Characters And Places Of Ramayana  a. Yogini Sw