
Showing posts from December, 2023

Greatest Sages (Rishi's) of Ancient Bharat (India)

G r eatest Sages (Rishi's) of Ancient Bharat (India) Part 3 Everything we know in the name of Dharma, Karma and science today has been described by our Vedic Rishis in the Vedas, Upanishads, Puranas and Vedang's. For thousands of the year this knowledge has been passed on from one generation to another through "Shruti" and "Smriti" in Gurukul Shiksha. Vedic Scriptures are full of the intellect and the mysticism of the Sages, Seers, Saints and Kings who became Sages to renunciate the worldly desires and wants. The primordial concept of Rishi, Muni, Maharishi, Sapt Rishi, Brahm Rishi comes with its own distinct metaphysics which is impossible to be summarized in a thread or in a book or in an article. Such is the eternal depth and vastness of the Sanatan Dharma. Let us continue our journey with part 3 of enlightenment through the life and works of the great Rishis of the ancient India:

|| The Law of Karma, How Does It Work? Why is there suffering?

|| The Law of Karma, How Does It Work? Why is there suffering? Why Shree Ram Took Birth || Hinduism has a complex and diverse concept with various philosophical and spiritual concepts, and one of its 3rd fundamental concepts is the law of karma. (I have already written about the first two). What is Karma? The process of action and reaction on all levels — physical, mental, and spiritual - is karma. Karma is the most important and basic principle of Hinduism, yet a very complex thing to understand. Karma, derived from the Sanskrit word meaning "action" or "deed," is the belief that every action a person takes has consequences that affect their present life and future lives. What is its significance? a) Everyone is bound to perform action, no one can escape it. BG, chapter 3.4- न कर्मणामनारम्भान्नैष्कर्म्यं पुरुषोऽश्नुते | न च संन्यसनादेव सिद्धिं समधिगच्छति।। Meaning- One cannot achieve freedom from karmic reactions by merely abstain

|| Kundalini Awakening: Unleashing the Divine Energy Within ||

|| Kundalini Awakening: Unleashing the Divine Energy Within || Within Hinduism, there are specific pathways that can help individuals recognize their inherent strength and power, which exists within every human being. These practices have the ability to captivate even atheists and draw them towards Hinduism. One such practice is Kundalini , derived from the Sanskrit word "Kunda" which means "pit," and "Kundal" which means "coiled one." Kundalini represents the divine cosmic energy, an absolute and pure force that embodies the power of the Self. It is the essence that lies dormant within every individual, waiting to be awakened. Kundalini represents the dormant spiritual energy believed to reside in the form of latent energy sleeping near the Muladhara region (at the base of the spine). Kundalini is often described as a coiled serpent, symbolizing immense potential waiting to be awakened and ascended through the body's energ

Why Khajuraho Temple Has erotic sculptures, Hinduism View On Sex (Kama), Tantric Sex explained || The temple in question is well-known for its erotic sculptures, which have been criticized by some left-leaning individuals for their content and significance.

|| Why Khajuraho Temple Has erotic sculptures, Hinduism View On Sex (Kama), Tantric Sex explained || The temple in question is well-known for its erotic sculptures, which have been criticized by some left-leaning individuals for their content and significance. However, it may come as a surprise to learn that sexual imagery accounts fo less than 10% of the temple's overall sculptural design. It is akin to judging and creating a buzz about an entire movie based on a single-bedroom scene . Nevertheless, the rationale behind the temple's erotic themes is worth explaining but first, let us talk about Khajuraho being more than that- The Khajuraho group of monuments was constructed during the reign of the Chandela dynasty from 925-1050 CE. Under the rule of Hindu kings Yashovarman and Dhanga , the construction of most of the temples took place. Originally, there were 85 temples in Khajuraho, but only 25 of them remain today . The Khajuraho temples were i

Here are 7 lessons from "My Inventions: The Autobiography of Nikola Tesla":

Here are 7 lessons from "My Inventions: The Autobiography of Nikola Tesla": 1. Embrace your imagination and visualization abilities. Tesla believed that his ability to vividly imagine his inventions was key to his success. He would often visualize the entire design of a device before he even started building it. This allowed him to work out any potential problems and make improvements without having to waste time and resources on physical prototypes. 2. Don't be afraid to experiment and fail. Tesla was not afraid to make mistakes. In fact, he believed that failure was an essential part of the learning process. He once said, "I have no models in my work. I do not need them. I know what I want and I know how to get it." This willingness to experiment and learn from his mistakes allowed him to make groundbreaking discoveries. 3. Think outside the box and challenge the status quo. Tesla was always looking for new and better ways to do things. He was not

Does the Socratic method work? The Socratic method is a form of argumentative dialogue based on asking and answering questions. It is named after the Classical Greek philosopher Socrates.

Does the Socratic method work? The Socratic method is a form of argumentative dialogue based on asking and answering questions. It is named after the Classical Greek philosopher Socrates. “I myself know nothing, except just a little, enough to extract an argument from another man who is wise and to receive it fairly.“ — Socrates, Theaetetus, 161b Bertrand Russell concerning the Socratic method  ━━ “The Socratic method is suitable for some questions, and unsuitable for others. Some matters are obviously unsuitable for treatment in this way-empirical science, for example. Socrates, in Plato's works, always pretends that he is only eliciting knowledge already possessed by the man he is questioning; on this ground, he compares himself to a midwife. The method is in harmony with the doctrine of reminiscence, according to which we learn by remembering what we knew in a former existence. As against this view, consider any discovery that has been made by means of the microscope, say the sp

As year 2023 inches towards its final sunset and our world faces whatever the new year 2024 will bring I am reminded of Carl Sagan’s famous words…

As year 2023 inches towards its final sunset and our world faces whatever the new year 2024 will bring I am reminded of Carl Sagan’s famous words… “Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there-on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam.” “The Earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena. Think of the endless cruelties visited by the inhabita

Today, 52 yrs back, world witnessed on of the biggest surrender of 93000 Pak solders to BHARAT after just 14 days of war. 16 Dec is celebrated as 'VIJAY DIWAS'.

Today, 52 yrs back, world witnessed on of the biggest surrender of 93000 Pak solders to BHARAT after just 14 days of war. 16 Dec is celebrated as 'VIJAY DIWAS'.  3 Dec 1971 - Pak airstrikes on 11 Indian bases signalling war.  The war saw Indian dominance in air, sea and ground. Pak lost 75 aircrafts, Karachi port almost destroyed and in a famous Battle of Longewala, lost large number of tanks and solders. Pak lost 8,000 and 25,000 wounded, while India lost 3,000 and 12,000 wounded. The  chief architect of war, General Sam Manekshaw was the first Indian Army officer to be promoted to the rank of field marshal after Bharat won the war. Note- My father-father(bde papa) also participated in this war he was in Indian air force and he destroyed several Pakistani bunkers and  army tankers and after the war he got many awards and recognition  From the Higher officials and army officers  Grand salute to all the bravehearts. 🙏

#KnowYourHistory None in the world would have known Ashoka दुनिया में शायद कोई होगा जो अशोक-महान को नहीं जानता होगा|

#KnowYourHistory None in the world would have known Ashoka -the Great, if it was British historian James Prinsep, John Hubert Marshall, Sir Alexander Cunningham, a British archaeologist and army engineer and Mortimer Wheeler who were instrumental Ashoka's revelation to the modern world and Indians. There was yet another important British historian and archaeologist John Hubert Marshall, who was director-General of the Archaeological Survey of India. His main interests were Sanchi and Sarnath, in addition to Harappa and Mohenjodaro, while Sir Alexander Cunningham, known as the father of the Archaeological Survey of India, unveiled heritage sites like the Bharhut Stupa, Sarnath, Sanchi, and the Mahabodhi Temple. Mortimer Wheeler, a British archaeologist, also exposed Ashokan historical sources at Taxila (near Islamabad in Pakistan). Translation of the text: दुनिया में शायद कोई होगा जो अशोक-महान को नहीं जानता होगा, मगर यह संभव हुआ ब्रिटिश इतिहासकार जेम्स प्रिंसेप, जॉन ह

"The Organized Mind" by Daniel J. Levitin explores the science behind organization, decision-making, and managing information overload in the modern world.

"The Organized Mind" by Daniel J. Levitin explores the science behind organization, decision-making, and managing information overload in the modern world. Levitin delves into how our brains process information, offering insights into attention, memory, and cognitive overload. The book provides practical strategies to enhance organization, optimize decision-making, and cope with the overwhelming amount of information in today's society. It's a guide to improving productivity, reducing stress. Here are10 lessons from the book: 1. Attention and Focus: Levitin discusses the importance of managing attention in an age of constant information overload. He emphasizes strategies to regain focus and reduce distractions to enhance productivity. 2. Organization Techniques: The book offers various organizational techniques and systems to manage information effectively, including categorization, to-do lists, and externalizing memory. 3. Decision-Making: Levitin explore

Abhidhamma मन में उत्पन्न होने वाले विचारों के तत्व और उनके गुण, उन विचारों की विशेषताएँ, अथवा उन विचारों को बनाने वाले कारक हमारे चित्त को बनाते हैं, इन्हें हम "मानसिक सहवर्ती" भी कह सकते हैं।(Translation in Hindi)मेरी समझ में इसका सारांश –मन और उसमे उठने वाले विचारों के प्रति सजगता बनाये रखने के लिए केवल विचारों को ही नहीं बल्कि विचारों के हरेक एलिमेंट को बहुत अच्छे से जानना आवश्यक है।

मन में उत्पन्न होने वाले विचारों के तत्व और उनके गुण, उन विचारों की विशेषताएँ, अथवा उन विचारों को बनाने वाले कारक हमारे चित्त को बनाते हैं, इन्हें हम "मानसिक सहवर्ती" भी कह सकते हैं।(Translation in Hindi) मेरी समझ में इसका सारांश –मन और उसमे उठने वाले विचारों के प्रति सजगता बनाये रखने के लिए केवल विचारों को ही नहीं बल्कि विचारों के हरेक एलिमेंट को बहुत अच्छे से जानना आवश्यक है।

न जायते म्रियते वा कदाचिन् नायं भूत्वा भविता वा न भूयः।

न जायते म्रियते वा कदाचिन् नायं भूत्वा भविता वा न भूयः। अजो नित्यः शाश्वतोऽयं पुराणो न हन्यते हन्यमाने शरीरे॥ आत्मा न किसी काल में जन्म लेता है और न मरता है और न यह एक बार होकर फिर अभावरूप होने वाला है। यह अजन्मा, नित्य-निरन्तर रहने वाला, शाश्वत और पुरातन (अनादि) है। शरीर के नाश होने पर भी इसका नाश नहीं होता।  व्याख्या :  🔸भावार्थ यह है कि शरीर में होने वाले समस्त विकारों से आत्मा परे है। जन्म अस्तित्व वृद्धि विकार क्षय और नाश ये छः प्रकार के परिर्वतन शरीर में होते हैं जिनके कारण जीव को कष्ट भोगना पड़ता है। एक मर्त्य शरीर के लिये इन समस्त दुःख के कारणों का आत्मा के लिये निषेध किया गया है अर्थात् आत्मा इन विकारों से सर्वथा मुक्त है।  🔸शरीर के समान आत्मा का जन्म नहीं होता क्योंकि वह तो सर्वदा ही विद्यमान है। तरंगों की उत्पत्ति होती है और उनका नाश होता है परन्तु उनके साथ न तो समुद्र की उत्पत्ति होती है और न ही नाश।जिसका आदि है उसी का अन्त भी होता है। उत्ताल तरंगे ही मृत्यु की अन्तिम श्वांस लेती हैं। सर्वदा विद्यमान आत्मा के जन्म और नाश का प्रश्न ही नहीं उठता। अतः आत्मा अजन्मा, नित्य-नि

Stop beating yourself up for your past (or present) mistakes, really, just stop.

Stop beating yourself up for your past (or present) mistakes, really, just stop. You deserve your own love and approval more than anyone else’s, you screwed up because you are human, only robots are perfect (they malfunction too sometimes). The thing is, you are your own real companion, all others are a beautiful add ons, and when you fill yourself with love and self care, when you accept that mistakes are a necessary part of growing up, you radiate peace and happiness, which in turn brings more love in your life, this is the real mantra for healing and growth. YOUR MISTAKES ARE YOUR WAY OF POLISHING YOUR LIFE. OWN THEM. 

How The Buddha Spent Seven Weeks After Attaining Enlightenment?

#buddhasenlightenment How The Buddha Spent Seven Weeks After Attaining Enlightenment? 1. First Week: Under the Bodhi Tree During the first week after enlightenment, the Buddha sat under the bodhi tree experiencing the happiness of freedom and peace. He was free from disturbing thoughts, calm and blissful. 2. Second Week: Gazing at the Tree During the second week, in thanks and gratitude to the tree that had sheltered him during his struggle for Buddhahood, the Buddha stood without moving his eyes as he meditated on the bodhi tree. Thus, we have come to pay respect to not only the original bodhi tree, but also to the descendants of the bodhi tree that still thrive today. 3. Third Week: The Golden Bridge In the third week, the Buddha saw through his mind’s eye that the devas in the heavens were not sure whether he had attained enlightenment or not. To prove his enlightenment the Buddha created a golden bridge in the air and walked up and down it for a whole week. 4. Fourth Week: The Jewe

Tribute to Dr Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar - Par Excellence Social Reformer and Father of the Indian Constitution.

Tribute to Dr Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar - Par Excellence Social  Reformer and Father of the Indian Constitution. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar, (1891-1956) popularly known as BR Ambedkar, was one of the most prominent and influential social reformers of India. He was born on the day, April 14, 1891, in Mhow, Madhya Pradesh. Dr Bhimrao Ambedkar, was born as Bhim to a family of untouchables, who originally hailed from Konkan region - part of present day Maharashtra. He was the 14th Child to his parents - Ramji Sakpal and mother Bheema Bai.  B.R. Ambedkar, was a polymath, an Indian jurist, economist, social reformer, and politician who played a key role in drafting India's constitution and is befittingly called the father of Indian Constitution. He was born into a Dalit family and faced discrimination and humiliation due to his caste throughout his life. Ambedkar excelled in his academic career earning multiple degrees from prestigious universities, including Columbia Un

74 years of stigma removed in just 30 minutes*

*74 years of stigma removed in just 30 minutes* India was suffering from a poisonous insect for the last 74 years, whose name is *United Nations Military Observer Group* UNMO *United Nations Military Observer*   Now the government has abolished it. Foreign Minister S Jaishankar played a very important role in this. In just 30 minutes this entire committee was ordered to leave India within the next ten days! India has shown the way out of India to the UN Military Observer Group, a committee of the United Nations!   This committee was working in India since 1948 and was keeping a close watch on the attitude of India and Pakistan, especially India itself, on the Kashmir issue.    India was bearing all the expenses of working, traveling, living, eating, getting up and down!   This committee had given very strong statements against India. He tried to declare Kashmir a trilateral issue rather than a bilateral one and also made serious allegations against India such as "India

“You might not always be perfect, but you can always be your best”.

“You might not always be perfect, but you can always be your best”.  Although perfection doesn’t truly exist, we still aim to become perfect. There is nothing wrong in striving for what you think is perfect, but we should also be able to accept ourselves or the outcome when it is less than ideal. Some of us overburden ourselves because we feel everything we do has to be perfectly right.  When something we do doesn’t turn out to be good enough, we feel disappointed and often guilty. Don’t put yourself under unnecessary pressure. Try to perform your duties to the best of your abilities. You will always be pleased with yourself regardless of the outcome.  #perfection #personaldevelopment #acceptance #giveyourbest

“There's grace in being humble when you are at the top. It means you haven't forgotten where you have come from.”

“There's grace in being humble when you are at the top. It means you haven't forgotten where you have come from.” No matter where we reach or how much we achieve, unless we remain humble, we are bound to break. Humility helps to keep us strong, and we remain close to the realities of life. Sometimes, when people achieve success, status or power, they become arrogant and high-headed. They belittle others and mistreat those at the beginning of their journey.  No one is above anyone, no matter who they are and what they do. We all are on our journeys and have our hardships and our destiny. Let’s treat each other with dignity, support each other in times of need and live our lives humbly and gracefully. #humble #grace #humility

Are you the best part of someone’s life?

Are you the best part of someone’s life? When we interact with anyone, we add to their experience of life. An understanding, loving and caring person always add beauty to one’s life. We all wish to have a beautiful experience of life but this does not always happen. The behaviour and attitude of people around us greatly influence our feelings unless we reach a stage of self awakening when nothing matters to us. This is why, every person we meet have the ability to influence our lives in many ways. Be kind and considerate towards others. Try your best that you add value to their life story. If someone brings a negative experience to your story , just turn the page over. #life #story #value #beauty #experience #people

How do you apologise for your mistake?

How do you apologise for your mistake? Apology needs to begin from the self. It means analysing the situation and accepting that we made a mistake. It doesn't mean we become so regretful that we start blaming ourselves. Instead, we learn from our mistakes to change our behaviour and actions. Every day, we come across different people and situations, so every day, we have an opportunity to improve ourselves. We keep repeating our mistakes because we never take time to look back on our lives and learn from them.  Spend a little time each day to analyse your situations and actions. If you find you were wrong, communicate with that person, use little gestures and express that you feel their pain. Applaud yourself for taking the courage to apologise and ensure it doesn't happen again.  #accept #admit 

धम्मपद पुप्फवग्ग ||4.4:47||जीवनभर काम भोगों में लिप्त रहने वालों को मृत्यु से मुक्ति नहीं मिलतीकोशल राज्य के राजकुमार विदूडभ की कथा||Verse 4.4:47||

धम्मपद पुप्फवग्ग ||4.4:47|| जीवनभर काम भोगों में लिप्त रहने वालों को मृत्यु से मुक्ति नहीं मिलती कोशल राज्य के राजकुमार विदूडभ की कथा ||Verse 4.4:47|| स्थान: जेतवन बुद्ध विहार बुद्ध ने यह श्लोक कोसल के राजा पसेनदी (प्रसेनजित) के पुत्र विदुदभ के संदर्भ में कहा था। कोशल के राजा पसेनदी ने, शाक्य वंश में विवाह करने की इच्छा रखते हुए, शाक्य राजकुमारियों में से एक का हाथ मांगने के अनुरोध के साथ कपिलवत्थु के पास कुछ दूत भेजे। राजा पसेनदी को नाराज नहीं करने की इच्छा रखते हुए, शाक्यों ने उत्तर दिया कि वे उनके अनुरोध का पालन करेंगे, लेकिन उन्होंने शाक्य राजकुमारी को ना भेजते हुए उसके बजाय एक बहुत ही सुंदर लड़की को भेजा, जो दरसल एक दासी द्वारा पैदा हुई शाक्य राजा महनामा से पैदा हुई थी। राजा पसेनदी ने उस शाक्य लड़की को अपनी प्रमुख रानियों में शामिल कर लिया। कुछ समय के बाद, उस शाक्य रानी ने एक बेटे को जन्म दिया. इस पुत्र का नाम राजकुमार विदुदभ रखा गया। जब राजकुमार सोलह वर्ष का हुआ, तो उसे कोशल नरेश पसेनदी ने अपनी ननिहाल, राजा महानाम से मिलने भेजा गया। वहां उनका कुछ आतिथ्य से स्वागत किया

Biography of Dr. Rajendra PrasadFull Name: Dr. Rajendra Prasad

Biography of Dr. Rajendra Prasad Full Name: Dr. Rajendra Prasad Born: 3 December 1884 Death: 28 February 1963 Introduction: Dr. Rajendra Prasad, full name Dr. Rajendra Prasad Singh, was a great leader of the freedom struggle and the first President of the Republic of India. He dedicated his life to the Indian freedom struggle as well as to the Indian society and his contributions are considered important parts of Indian history. Biography: Dr. Rajendra Prasad was born on 3 December 1884 in Sira village of Bihar. He completed his early education from the College of Arts and Science, Dublin and then obtained a degree from Cambridge University. Dr. Prasad earned a graduate degree in Popularity and Science at the University of London. He Dr. Participated in important social changes and freedom struggle of Mahatma Gandhi along with Bhimrao Ambedkar. Dr. Prasad participated as a member of the Indian National Congress during the freedom struggle and remained an executive member several times.

WHO CAN CONQUER DEATH?The Story of the Monk “Marichi Karma Sthanik”, Who Contemplates The Body as a Mirage (Verse 4.3:46)

WHO CAN CONQUER DEATH? The Story of the Monk “Marichi Karma Sthanik”, Who Contemplates The Body as a Mirage (Verse 4.3:46)  Place: Jétavana Once a monk obtained a meditation topic from the Buddha and entered the forest for the purpose of practising meditation. But when, after striving and struggling for quite some time, he was unable to attain arahatship. He thus said to himself, “I will ask the Buddha to give me another meditation object that may better suits his needs.” With this thought in mind he set out to return to the Buddha.  On the way he saw a mirage. He thus said to himself, “Even as this mirage seen in the season of the heat, appears substantial to those that are far off, but vanishes when one approach near, so also is this existence unsubstantial by reason of birth and decay.”  Thus like this, upon fixing his mind on the mirage, he started meditating on the mirage. On his return, although wearied with the journey, he bathed in the Aciravati River and seated him