WRONG THOUGHTS COME OUT OF EVIL AND IGNORANT MIND The Story of Anāthapiṇḍika Herdsman Nand Gopal. (Verse 3.11:42)

The Story of Anāthapiṇḍika Herdsman Nand Gopal. (Verse 3.11:42) 

Place: Jétavana

Nanda was a herdsman who looked after the cows of Anāthapiṇḍika. Occasionally, he would go to the house of Anāthapiṇḍika and there he sometimes listened to Buddha’s discourses. Once Nanda requested the Buddha to pay a visit to his house. But the Buddha declined, saying that it was not the right time but assured him that one day he will visit his abode. 
After some time, while travelling with his bhikkhus, the Buddha went off his route to visit Nanda, knowing that the time had come for Nanda to receive his teaching properly. Nanda respectfully received the Buddha and his followers; he served them milk and milk products and other choice foods for seven days. On the last day, after hearing the Buddha’s discourse, Nanda attained sotapatti fruition. When the Buddha was leaving, Nanda carrying the bowl of the Buddha, followed him for some distance. After walking with Nanda, the Buddha asked Nanda to return home. Nanda paid obeisance and turned back to go home. 

At that instant, a stray arrow shot by a unknown hunter, killed him. The monks, who were following the Buddha, saw Nanda lying dead. They asked the Buddha, “Venerable, because you came here, Nanda who made great offerings to you and accompanied you was killed as he was turning back to go home.” To them, the Buddha replied, “Monks, whether I came here or not, there was no escape from death for him. Nanda’s death was the result of his previous kamma.” 

When a bandit sees another, he attacks the other. In the same way, a person sees someone he hates, he also does harm to the one he hates. But what the badly deployed mind does to the possessor of the mind is far worse than what a bandit would do to another bandit or what one hater will do to the another hater. Thus, the undeveloped mind is one’s worst enemy. One’s mind can be directed in the right manner. In such a situation the outcome is wholesome. When that happens, the mind well-directed proves to be one’s best friend. But, when the direction given to the mind is wrong, it can do greater harm to a person than an outside enemy could. 

Our mind can be directed towards the ten kinds of evil-namely, 1.killing, 2.stealing, 3.sexual misconduct, 4. lying, 5. slandering, 6. harsh speech, 7. vain talk, 8. covetousness, 9. ill-will, and 10. false belief. 


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