New study says that close and long exposure with covid infected patients may cause infection.
New study says that close and long exposure with covid infected patients may cause infection even in those who are vaccinated and had got infected earlier. Wearing of mask and proper ventilation are still the better ways to protect against COVID-19. The festival season is close in India and Christmas will be approaching soon in Western countries, a Microbiologist, suggest to keep away from the crowd, avoid the contacts with infected people, New variants of COVID-19 are again back in the environment, virus is highly unstable and mutating very fast, converting into common cough and cold with flu like symptoms but can damage lungs if survive longer. It is suggested that wear mask in crowded places, drink warm water, taking small amounts of ginger, Tulsa, giloy, and stay safe and protected.
Don't underestimate the power of Microbes but also don't panic, it's not a killer virus. It needs to be managed. Focus on your immunity.
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