this is a story of a paranormal exert of USA.

As personal experience is the best way to discuss paranormal phenomena, the rest being intellectualized speculation that falls on deaf ears, I thought to share the following uncannily meaningful event from my life.  Six years ago I left my wife after many years of marriage and moved into my own place, near one of my offices in Chicago.  My youngest daughter, then thirteen, remained with her mother.  I saw her on weekends while enduring the legal rigmarole of a divorce, which was some comfort for both of us, though hardly a panacea for what was essentially a deeply sad situation.  She was clearly suffering from my absence, though, at thirteen, was unable to articulate this.

One night, about six months after departing the home, I had a rather vivid dream: while strolling along a pathway by Lake Michigan, the massive inland body of water on which Chicago is situated, I was confronted by the abrupt appearance, out of thin air, of a spectral male figure, wrapped in a white robe up to his neck.  His face was obscured and an eerie glow emanated from his body.  This figure matter-of-factly informed me that he was to transport me up the Lake Michigan coastline to nearby Milwaukee, about ninety miles north.  Though he offered no explanation as to the reason for this, I felt compelled to agree without question, and within seconds he had somehow “airlifted” me, as it were, to a spot in Milwaukee, overlooking the lake.  We walked about the city for a while, and he seemed intent on pointing out some abstract modernist sculptures in a public plaza.  Then, at a certain point, he suddenly announced that it was time for me to return to Chicago, and forthwith this occurred.  I was returned to the spot from which we had left earlier, and upon delivering me home the figure told me that I would soon need to return to Milwaukee. Having made this enigmatic announcement, he vanished.  I was unclear about this latest instruction, yet was struck by the fact that it simply seemed proper not to question it.

Upon awakening, I puzzled over the dream for a bit, then prepared to get on with the day.  Checking my cell phone, I saw a text message from my youngest, the content of which startled me.  She told me that she wanted me to drive her to Milwaukee over the coming weekend, there to visit a friend she had made at her Jewish summer camp in Wisconsin the prior summer.  In this text she told me that she would sleep over at her friend’s home, and would need a lift back to Chicago the next day.  So, it appeared that I was to travel to Milwaukee, return to Chicago after delivering her to her friend, and then repeat the same trip the following day when she needed to be picked up and brought home: just as in my dream of the previous night.

Most unusual about this situation was that our family knew no one in Wisconsin, nor had I the slightest knowledge or forewarning that my daughter had made a friend there whom she wished to visit.  This new acquaintance was completely unknown to me; I only learned of her existence upon reading my daughter’s text.  So, there seemed to me no possible way that I could have preconsciously read the proverbial “tea leaves” of disconnected pieces of information, presented in the usual linear form of cause-and-effect, to infer that I would be summoned to make multiple journeys north.  

Given my Jungian leanings, I contacted a Jungian analyst whom I had met at a conference in San Francisco, seeking some clarity about this uncanny event.  Her perspective was quite helpful.  To summarize, she suggested that when there is a disruption in a deeply intimate bond between two people, the residual psychic energy from this disturbance, being rooted in suprapersonal archetypal dynamisms, may manifest itself in an individual’s life in unexpected ways.  One of these is that of premonitory dreams. Also, curious physical manifestations can accompany such an event.   These two dimensions exist in synchrony with one another, co-occurring simultaneously in temporality in a manner expressing their interrelatedness, a relation in which psychic immateriality and the material/physical intersect and are intertwined with one another, reflecting each other's structures and dynamisms acausally.  My dream and the events that followed included both forms of such phenomena, with a spookily prescient dream foretelling a series of very specific actions that I was to take in the coming weekend.  

I don’t leap from such an experience to any particular doctrinal account of its meaning – for example, that there is an anthropomorphic loving God guiding the course of the universe, or that “Jung was right”.  Rather, like Jung, I try to stay strictly within the interpretive limits of what such an occurrence allows me to seriously consider about the nature of reality and my relationship with its various ontological structures, spatio-temporal and otherwise.  The most I can say with any confidence, at least for now, is that “things hang together” in Being, so to speak.  That is, there seems to be a supersensible ontological connecting principle within which all particular beings find themselves enmeshed, what in Indian Buddhism is called “Indra’s Net”, what F.S.C. Northrop called the “undifferentiated aesthetic continuum” of Being, or what William James defined as the intuition of “something more” beyond the ragged edge of experience.  This relational principle extends beyond the purely sensate, and is instantiated in the nature of human psychic reality, for example, where under certain circumstances it manifests its operation outside the constraints of linear causality by anticipating and, in a sense, preparing one for the unfolding of emotionally-laden, symbolically significant events.   The important moral lesson I gleaned from this event was that I can and should trust my lived experience of the varied movements of fantasy and imagination that are part of being a minded creature, and that the unbidden intrusion of non-conscious phenomena into consciousness may illuminate a dependable and trustworthy manner of negotiating the world.  In terms of the specific imagery of my dream state, the presence of modernist public sculptures, and the demand that I should devote special attention to these I have come to understand as an injunction from the unconscious to allow myself to work toward a new relationship to my role as father; to come "up to date" so as to meet the emotional demands and needs of the present situation.  Here we may infer what Jung deemed the presence of the forward-looking, "telic" orientation of the psyche, which does not only look back into the past from which to establish meanings, but actively presses ahead in time toward the realization of the unprecedented and novel.

Scene from "Jungfrukallen" ("The Virgin Spring"); Ingmar Bergman, Director, 1960


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