mystery of life.

I love the mention of one person. Edison went to a small village. Edison has made a thousand inventions in his life. Perhaps no scientist has ever made so many inventions – a thousand! For electricity, there was no greater philosopher than for electricity. There was no one who knew as much about electricity as Edison. He has gone to a small village. The people of the village don't even know who he is. In the village school, there is a small exhibition, an exhibition going on. School children have made many games and toys. Science students of the school have also made electric toys. Made a small boat, made a train, made a motor car. And the children with great joy are explaining each and every thing to the people who have come to see the exhibition. Edison also walked around and reached that exhibition. He went to the science part. Small children are explaining to him that boats run on electricity. This car runs on electricity. He is watching happily – speechless, full of awe. Those children are even more happy and are explaining to him.

Then suddenly the old man asked those children, is it right that you say that they run on electricity – this machine, this boat, this car. But if I ask you, will you be able to tell? A small question has come to my mind, what is electricity? What is electricity, what is electricity?'

The children said, "Lightning! We know how to sail boats with electricity, but we do not know what electricity is. We call our teacher. ,

He has called his teacher and Edison has also asked him, what is electricity?

The teacher was also surprised. He is a bachelor of science, a graduate. He said, we know how electricity works, but we have no idea what electricity is. But you wait, our principal is DSC, he is a great scholar of science. We call him.

They have called their principal. And no one of Edison knows that the man standing in front is the man who knows electricity the most. That principal has come, he has tried to explain. But Edison asks, “I don't ask how electricity works, I don't ask what electricity is made of, I ask what electricity is?'

The principal said "Sorry. We don't know anything about this. ' They are all very worried, very worried. Then the old man laughed and said, "Maybe you don't know, I'm Edison and I don't even know what electricity is. ,

This humility, this humility is the first condition for the seeker of truth. Edison might say that I don't even know what electricity is. It is a sign of a religious mind, a characteristic of a "released mind" that it accepts this infinite mystery of life.

The person who accepts the mystery of life cannot accept his knowledge. Because these two things are opposite to each other. When someone says that I am knowledgeable, then he says that there is no secret in life anymore, I have known. Whatever we know, there is no more mystery, no mystery in it.

The person who says, I do not know; He is saying this, life is a mystery, life is an infinite mystery.

Why do I put so much emphasis on a person's ignorance? This emphasis is so that the mysteriousness of life, the mysteriousness of life, may come to your remembrance.

There is no secret to the wise. Where we know, the mystery ends. For thousands of years theologians have murdered the mystery of man. They seem to understand everything as if they knew! If you ask him who made the world, he has a ready-made answer! They say that God created! And they even say, some of them that for six days he created the world, then rested on the seventh day! Some of them also say – that date, date also show that from today so many thousand years ago in such a sun, in such and such date, four thousand years before Christ the earth was created, life was created! They are always ready to answer everything!

How can man know when life was created and how was it created? Man himself comes in the middle of life, how can he know the beginning of life? How can a wave in the ocean know when the ocean will have formed? Waves arise only when there is an ocean. When the ocean was not there, there cannot be a wave either – then how can a wave know, how can man know? How can anyone know when and how life arose?

But no, the conceit of the wise is very strong. They are always ready to answer everything. There is no question for which they will deny. There is no question for which they say that we do not know. You go away with any question, the theologians always have the answers ready!

That's why I tell you that a scientist may at times come close to the truth of life, because there is a humility in the mind of a scientist, a humility. But the pundits of religions can never reach God, because he has the answer to everything, the knowledge of everything. He is omniscient, He knows everything! They don't care that their omniscience is destroying the mystery of life. Similarly, religion has gradually eroded from the life of man.

If man is to be taken back in the direction of Dharma, then his mystery needs to be born again.

Osho, The Search for Truth (Neti Neti, Rev.-3)


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