
Showing posts from March, 2022

Keep calm and do your own work.

Doing your work means communicating consciously and courageously, from your heart. Your interactions are intentional, aware and kind. Doing our own work first helps us improve. And, the more we improve, the better people we will be.

All creature feel like us.

The owner of the photo says: He knocked on the windshield of the car and he looked hungry, so I gave him an orange and he went.. I followed him a little to find him going to another monkey as if he was telling him that I was distributing oranges to find him coming towards me, but the strange thing was that he smiled that smile at me as if he was thanking me and then left ♥️ Then I realized that we are not the only ones who feel on this planet.. all creatures feel like us..

Sadhguru begins 30000 kms bike journey through London to india

#Trending Sadhguru Begins His 30,000 Km Bike Journey From London To India To Save Soil 64-year-old spiritual leader Sadhguru has commenced a 30,000-kilometre bike tour from London to India for the ‘Save Soil’ campaign. He started his journey on March 21 at Parliament Square in London. Sadhguru will travel through Europe and the Middle East before finally reaching India.  The entire bike journey will take around 100 days. After crossing 26 countries, Sadhguru is planning to reach New Delhi in 75 days to mark India’s 75th year of Independence on August 15.

books are considered source of knowledge and wisdom.

Books are considered as sources of wisdom, knowledge and Positive values. We can learn so many good things and positive values from the books written by famous people. Through books, we can be a part of people imagination. Books written on the subject of moral values teach us about, what is wrong, and what is right.

human body is like a good organisation.

Human body is like a one big organization, evolved over centuries, with 11 departments (organ systems) functioning cohesively. While we attempt to set-up world class processes and systems for frictionless functioning of materialistic things, it’s a pity that we ignore this gift of already smooth-running company unless it files for bankruptcy. #fitbody #fitness

your saving in the bank not yours

Banks get richer when you save money. But not just that, they get richer in an unfair but legal way. They use your saved money to expand the money they make and they share little or nothing with you. There is a law or rule that banks in most countries use today where they are only obliged to keep or hold a fraction of the money you give them. They can lend out the rest with sizable interest and give you little or nothing on your savings. The moment you put your money in the bank, it ceases to be yours. If you ask for it in a way that is not convenient for the bank, they will not give it to you. And that is perfectly legal. The purpose of this piece is to show you what really happens, how it works, and what you should do instead of blindly saving money in the bank. Understanding Fractional Reserve This concept is known as Fractional Reserve Banking. And it is a system whereby the bank only keeps a fraction of your deposit. The rest of it, they can lend out even before you walk out of th

should we only learn from successful people?what every self learner needs to know about survivorship bias.

So for example, the first thing you do when you decide to break into tech as a product manager or UX designer, or a digital marketer is to research the people already in the field and learn from them. Survivorship bias is assuming that these people are all the people who have made the journey of breaking into Tech in that particular field. While neglecting all the other people who tried, failed, and gave up, those who are still trying and failing, or those who have gone into other fields. Now, how you find these people is another challenge to solve. It is very important to consider survivorship bias in all your decisions to help you “see what you can’t see.” Or, in other words, why are you doing everything right and still failing? Even though Charity: Water is a very good role model and does tremendous work all over the world, focusing on and learning from them alone was a huge mistake. I forgot about all the other charity groups that had started on the same journey, with the same stra

let us erase our guilt feelings.

Let Us Erase Our Guilt Feeling --------------------------------- Guilt has very little to do with the trigger or the circumstances that come from the outside. The environment is constantly changing. We are not affected by all changes. But if we have strong beliefs about right and wrong, duty and rights, and what is good and bad, then it is likely that whenever events occur that challenge our beliefs, we would either react with anger and aggression or with guilt and frustration. To get rid of guilt, we need to first understand what is right and wrong, good and bad, moral and immoral, but these are not absolutes. What is considered good at a particular time or place could be bad at another time or place. If we cling to our parents at the age of two, it is considered normal. But if we cling to them at the age of 40,obviously something is wrong. If a man kills another, it is a crime. But if a policeman on duty kills a criminal or a soldier kills the enemy, he is honoured with medals. There

how to deal with distractions.

Distractions are everywhere. A notification on mobile, unwanted phone calls, at work, or even a work related email when we are spending time with our loved ones. They prevent us from doing what we want to do. Recently, I finished reading a book titled “Indistractable: How to Control Your Attention and Choose Your Life” by Nir Eyal. This is the book about avoiding distractions and finding more time for the things we want to do. The best part of the book is its organization. The book is divided into parts. There are a few chapters in each part and each chapter has its summary. At the end, the book has a short summary for each chapter again. The book also includes some topics for discussions for book-clubs. The first point Nir makes is that the distractions are hard to avoid if we don’t use the correct techniques. For example, we can try removing apps from mobile or switch off internet while working on a computer. Sometimes those things work well but not always. We will end up replacing

Mathematician ramanujan didn't have any close friend.

Mathematician Ramanujam didn’t have any close friends and someone asked him the reason. He replied that although he wanted to have close friends but nobody was up to his expectations. When pressed how he expected his friend to be, he replied, "like numbers 220 and 284!" The person got confused and asked what is the connection between friendship and these numbers! Ramanujam asked him to find the divisors of each number!  With much difficulty, the person derived and listed them as,  220 → 1,2,4,5,10,11,20,22,44,55,110,220 284 →1,2,4,71,142,284 Ramanujam then asked the person to exclude the numbers 220 and 284 and asked the sum of the remaining divisors. The person was astonished to find, 220 → 1+2+4+5+10+11+20+22+44+55+110=284 284 →1+2+4+71+142=220 Ramanujam explained that an ideal friendship should be like these numbers, to complement each other. Even when one is absent, the other should represent the friend!

A bote hole..

boat hole... A man called a painter to his house, and showing his boat  said paint it The painter took paint and painted the boat, red as the owner of the boat wanted. Then the painter took his money and left. The next day, the owner of the boat reached the painter's house and gave him a check for a huge sum of money. The painter was astonished, and asked - what is this money for? You gave my money yesterday only! The owner said - this is not the money for paint, but it is the money to repair the "hole" in that boat! The painter said - Oh sir, it was a small hole, so I had closed it. So much money for that small hole, I don't feel right! The owner said - friend, you do not understand my point! Well let me explain in detail. When I asked you for paint, I forgot to tell you in a hurry that there is a hole in the boat, repair it!  And when the paint dried, both of my children took that boat to the sea and went out for sailing! I was not at home at

Edision went to small village.

I love the mention of one person. Edison went to a small village. Edison has made a thousand inventions in his life. Perhaps no scientist has ever made so many inventions – a thousand! For electricity, there was no greater philosopher than for electricity. There was no one who knew as much about electricity as Edison. He has gone to a small village. The people of the village don't even know who he is. In the village school, there is a small exhibition, an exhibition going on. School children have made many games and toys. Science students of the school have also made electric toys. Made a small boat, made a train, made a motor car. And the children with great joy are explaining each and every thing to the people who have come to see the exhibition. Edison also walked around and reached that exhibition. He went to the science part. Small children are explaining to him that boats run on electricity. This car runs on electricity. He is watching happily – speechless, full of awe. Those

Progrraming language most in deemand rightnow.

Let’s get into it: As Global tech firms are lining up to hire Ukraine’s world-renowned coders the wacky world of which programming languages are most in demand keeps shifting. With the discrepancy of open positions to labor force job seekers at historic levels, there's no shortage of software developer jobs right now and employers are on the lookout for Python, Java and SQL coders in particular, hiring data indicates - with Go also catching the eye of recruiters. Python Java SQL Go Outside of programming the hot IT jobs include: Information Security Analyst Data Scientist Web Developer Database Administrator Computer Systems Analyst But which are growing fastest? Highest Growth IT Jobs According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the projected future growth rate for Information Security Analyst jobs is 33.3% through 2030. The Bureau estimates that the job profile will feature about 16,300 openings each year until 2030, and employers will prefer to hire candidates who have professio

Did you know that emotion can create biomolecule process in body.

Did you know that emotions can create biochemical processes in the human body that disrupt health and end up manifesting themselves in physical illnesses? No alt text provided for this image The inner pain we feel comes from past emotions that are contained in our body and mind. They are stuck energies that remain inscribed in our nervous system and do not allow us to prosper as we would like, or to realize our purpose in life. Almost all physical and mental illnesses caused are by negative emotional marks that are not released at the time. These illnesses, excluding those of genetic origin or deterioration due to age, are messages from our body revealing to us that it cannot and does not want to continue in this way. If we do not pay attention to the signs, our ailments will become more complicated until they turn into serious conditions. Is money more important than happiness? We live emotionally in a time of great pressure, stress, and an upbringing that teaches us to be more profit

Deepak dhar has been chosen for the prestigious boltzman medal award for the year 2022 and becomes the first Indian to revive the honour.

Austrian physicist #Ludwig_Boltzmann (1844-1906) who is well known for presenting the logarithmic connection between entropy and probability in his kinetic theory of gases, was never properly recognized during his lifetime. In celebration of his ground-breaking work, #Boltzmann_medal is awarded once every three years by #IUPAP in the field of statistical mechanics. In 2022, #Deepak_Dhar became the first Indian physicist to win the Boltzmann medal, sharing it with American physicist #John_Hopfield. Deepak Dhar is famous among his students as a loveable science teacher. He was also a teaching assistant to Nobel laureate Richard Feynman when he completed his PhD from Caltech in 1978. Deepak was born in Oct, 1951 to an average Indian household in the northern state of #Uttar_Pradesh and showed proficiency in #mathematics from an early age. He completed his bachelor degree from the prestigious Allahabad University in 1970. Deepak moved to the US after getting master's degree in physics

An ideal friendships

Mathematician Ramanujam didn’t have any close friends and someone asked him the reason. He replied that although he wanted to have close friends but nobody was up to his expectations. When pressed how he expected his friend to be,  he replied,  "like numbers 220 and 284!" The person got confused and asked what is the connection between friendship and these numbers! Ramanujam asked him to find the divisors of each number!  With much difficulty, the person derived and listed them as,  220 → 1,2,4,5,10,11,20,22,44,55,110,220 284 →1,2,4,71,142,284 Ramanujam then asked the person to exclude the numbers 220 and 284 and asked the sum of the remaining divisors. The person was astonished to find, 220 → 1+2+4+5+10+11+20+22+44+55+110=284 284 →1+2+4+71+142=220 Ramanujam explained that an ideal friendship should be like these numbers, to complement each other. Even when one is absent, the other should represent the friend!